How to Grow Anthurium andraeanum Plants

There’s not a better sight than the vibrantly-colored flowers and glossy leaves of the Anthurium andraeanum. Also known as the flamingo flower, it belongs to the Arum family, so it’s a distant relative to Monstera and Philodendron.

But how to grow and care for Anthurium andraeanum plants?

Anthurium andraeanum needs indirect sun and moist, well-draining, rich soil. It also thrives in temperatures between 65° and 85°F and high humidity.

You can grow Anthurium seeds by planting them in lightly moist sphagnum moss or vermiculite. Cover the pot to speed up germination, then transfer the seedlings to separate containers and care for them as you would a mature plant.

Sadly, Anthurium andraeanum is toxic to cats, dogs, and humans. 

Below, we dive deeper into every aspect of growing this fascinating plant!

What Are Anthurium andraeanum Plants?

The Anthurium andraeanum is an eye-catching herbaceous evergreen that’s a popular choice for a houseplant. This flowering species belongs to the Araceae family, and it’s native to Ecuador and Columbia.

This Anthurium variety has many fans for its pretty flowers, which are usually red, pink, purple, orange, and white. It also boasts large, attractively-green leaves. Besides its highly decorative appeal, people admire it because it’s easy to care for, even for beginners.

In indoor settings, the Anthurium andraeanum grows to around 12–18 inches in height and 10–12 inches in width. It features six-inch spathes with white or cream-colored spadix and lush, 12-inch leaves often shaped like arrows.

If you keep it in ideal conditions, your plant can bear four to six flowers a year, and it might even produce berry-like fruits. Its lovely foliage adds elegance to your interior space all year round.

But bear in mind that Anthurium andraeanum is toxic to pets and humans. That’s why you need to place it in a spot out of your furry friends’ and kids’ reach.

Quick Summary of Anthurium andraeanum Plants

Here are some rapid-fire facts about the beautiful Anthurium andraeanum if you’re in a hurry:

  • Scientific name: Anthurium spp.
  • Common names: Hawaiian Love Plant, Flamingo Flower, Flamingo Lily, Tail Flower, Laceleaf
  • Light: Partial sun
  • Watering: Medium
  • Temperature: 65°–85°F
  • Hardiness Zone: 11–12
  • Soil pH: Preferably acidic
  • Soil type: Moist yet well-draining (loam or sand)
  • Repotting: Every 2–3 years
  • Pruning: Remove damaged or dead leaves any time of the year
  • Size: 12–18 inches tall and 10–12 inches wide
  • Bloom time: Spring, summer, fall, and winter
  • Propagation: Stem cuttings and division

How to Care for Anthurium andraeanum Plants?

Just bought your first Anthurium houseplant and aren’t sure how to keep it in tip-top shape? 

This section covers everything you need to know about its light and water needs, soil requirements, fertilization, and more.

1. Provide Sunlight

Choosing the ideal spot for your Anthurium pot depends on how much sun it requires for healthy growth. The best location is in a room that gets plenty of sunlight without sitting directly in the sun’s path. Otherwise, the harsh sunlight could scorch its leaves.

Instead, you can keep it on a countertop, table, or shelf away from the window. Or, if you’d rather put it on the windowsill, we suggest keeping the curtains down so that your Anthurium can receive dappled light. 

This scenario is a lot like its habitat; where Anthurium plants thrive in sunlight filtered through the leaves and branches of larger trees.

You’ll want your plant to receive up to six hours of indirect sunlight each day. Any fewer than that, or if you put it in complete shade, it might face stunted growth or little to no flowering.

2. Mix Soil

The next step in your care routine is to find that sweet spot for your Anthurium soil. Your potting materials need to be coarse and well-draining to fulfill your indoor plant’s growth requirements.

Start by mixing a high-quality houseplant mix and orchid potting medium in a 1:1 ratio. You can further increase the soil’s drainage and improve its texture by throwing in some sand and peat moss.

Sticking to these guidelines promotes air circulation around the roots to avoid troublesome scenarios, like root rot.

Pro tip: Ensure that the Anthurium’s container has drainage holes to prevent its roots from sitting in the water and causing root-related complications.

3. Add Water

Anthurium andraeanum is a low-maintenance houseplant, and this is reflected in its water needs. 

Add distilled or filtered water to the plant’s soil until it’s slightly moist without soaking it; Anthurium doesn’t prefer too much water.

A rule of thumb is to water the soil when the top inch is dry, which will likely require you to water it once a week. This isn’t the case for outdoor planting, as it might need watering two to three times each week.

To stay on the safe side, always water your plant until the excess water comes out of the drainage holes. That’s your sign to stop!

4. Control Temperature and Humidity

The best thing about caring for Anthurium andraeanum indoors is that you can easily control the temperature and humidity in a closed environment. 

As long as you don’t leave your plant in a spot prone to temperature fluctuations, like a drafty room, maintaining a steady temperature should be simple.

Your Anthurium thrives in comparatively high temperatures—between 65°F and 85°F. Any lower than 60°F, your plant’s growth could be hindered, and it might completely die if the temperature reaches 40°F indoors.

As for the humidity, the higher the better! 

All Anthurium varieties need 60–80% humidity, so you’re better off placing yours in a naturally moist room like the bathroom.

If that’s not an option, you can still increase the moisture levels using a humidifier or misting the leaves regularly. Another effective approach is to put the Anthurium pot on a tray full of water and a few pebbles to release more water vapor around the plant.

Monitoring the moisture levels is especially important in winter because that’s when the air gets too dry. A hygrometer is perfect for this job, displaying the temperature and humidity to let you know if you need to make adjustments to match your plant’s needs.

5. Add Fertilizer

Lastly, give your Anthurium plant food weekly during its growing season to encourage it to produce flowers and maintain healthy growth. 

Your best bet is a phosphorus-rich liquid fertilizer. You’ll only have to dilute it to 1/4 strength and easily apply it to the soil.

How to Grow Anthurium andraeanum Plants?

As challenging as it might sound, growing Anthurium from seeds is easy if you follow these tried-and-true guidelines:

Spread your seeds on a paper towel, leaving them until they’re dry. Afterward, transfer them into a plastic container with moist vermiculite or sphagnum moss.

Press each seed into the growing medium lightly, leaving an inch between each one and the next. Then, put the lid over the container or use plastic wrap to speed up the germination process by trapping the moisture.

You should also remove the lid every couple of days to let fresh air in, then put it back into place until the seeds germinate. 

These seeds have typical Anthurium sunlight and temperature requirements. So, keep them in a brightly lit room, away from direct sun, and at around 70°F.

Once the seeds have produced leaves and roots, put each in a separate seedling pot without a cover. In this stage, we recommend a potting mix of perlite, orchid bark, New Zealand sphagnum moss, and coco husk. 

Water the seedlings just like you would a mature Anthurium andraeanum.

Finally, you should change the pot size to accommodate your plants’ growth. The next section dives deeper into the best way to repot Anthurium andraeanum.

Learn more on how to take care of all types of plants have a read of our how to grow and care all types of plants guide.

How to Repot Anthurium andraeanum Plants?

Anthurium andraeanum needs repotting every two years for optimal growth, preferably during spring. Your cue is if you notice that the pot is too small for the roots.

For a seamless repotting experience, follow these tips:

  • Choose a pot that’s only two inches larger than the former.
  • Go for ceramic, terracotta, or plastic pots.
  • If you pick a terracotta pot, ensure you create more drainage holes at the bottom since it tends to dry out more quickly than the other two.
  • When repotting, fill the new pot to 30% with your preferred potting mix. 
  • After placing your Anthurium there, keep adding the soil until it’s the same level as the previous pot.

How to Care for Anthurium andraeanum Plants in All Seasons?

Anthurium andraeanum thrives in all seasons with slight variations to your care routine. This is especially the case in fall and winter when the temperatures and humidity levels drop:

  • Watering: Reduce your watering frequency in colder months because the soil will take longer to dry out.
  • Sunlight: Supplement your Anthurium with artificial lighting to make up for the lack of bright sunlight on rainy or cloudy days.
  • Temperature: Move any outdoor Anthurium andraeanum plants inside as they can’t withstand low temperatures (below 60°F). Keep indoor plants at a stable temperature of 75°F.
  • Humidity: Winter air is dry, so boost moisture levels by using a water tray or a humidifier.
  • Fertilization: In fall and winter, keep fertilization to a minimum, maybe once every month or two.
  • Repotting: Only do it in the spring during the growing season.

How to Propagate Anthurium andraeanum Plants?

To propagate plants like Anthurium andraeanum, you can either go the stem-cutting route or choose the division method:

Propagation Using Stem Cuttings

  • Use a sterilized knife to cut a healthy stem below a node (the cutting must contain at least two nodes).
  • Get rid of any leaves on the cutting.
  • Plant the cutting in a pot with a well-draining potting mix.
  • Place the pot in a location that receives bright, indirect sunlight with high humidity.
  • Water the cutting as you would a fully-grown Anthurium andraeanum plant.
  • When it develops roots in a few weeks, you can then move the plant to a larger pot and follow the regular care routine.

Propagation by Division

  • Remove the plant from its pot gently.
  • Divide the root ball into several parts, ensuring each section has enough foliage and roots.
  • Put each section in a separate pot and apply the same care tips regarding sunlight exposure, watering, and humidity.

To learn more about all types of propagation methods, read our guide on propagation methods.

What Family Do Anthurium andraeanum Plants Belong to?

Anthurium andraeanum plants belong to the Arum family (Araceae). 

Most Araceae types are famous for their spadix, which is surrounded by a spathe. Another general term for these plants is “aroids,” some examples including:

  • Peace lily (Spathiphyllum)
  • Caladium
  • Philodendron
  • Colocasia
  • Calla lily (Zantedeschia)

How Long Do Anthurium andraeanum Plants Live for?

The Flamingo Flower can live for three to five years and even more, if the conditions are ideal.

You can boost its longevity with adequate watering, using high-quality soil, and keeping the temperature and humidity optimal. 

Also, regular pruning and fertilization can do wonders in increasing your Anthurium’s lifespan.

What Are Common Pest and Plant Diseases for Anthurium andraeanum Plants?

Anthurium andraeanum plants aren’t susceptible to troublesome diseases. But they might occasionally face the nuisance of:

  • Aphids
  • Mealybugs
  • Spider mites
  • Scales
  • Whiteflies
  • Thrips
  • Fungal leaf spot
  • Root rot

How to Tell if My Anthurium andraeanum Plant Is Not Growing?

Some warning signs that indicate a problem with your Anthurium andraeanum growth involve:

  • Yellowing or brown leaves
  • Falling leaves or flowers
  • Not increasing in height
  • Taking too long to produce blooms

Are Anthurium andraeanum Plants Poisonous?

Yes. Anthurium andraeanum contains calcium oxalate crystals.

If a cat, dog, or human ingests any part of the plant, they might suffer from irritation to the mouth and the gastrointestinal tract.

Does Anthurium andraeanum Flower?


In the Arum family, the flowers are called spathes, which are modified leaves. Each spathe has a little stem in its center on which tiny red or white flowers bloom.

These heart-shaped flowers may or may not be fragrant.

How to Help the Anthurium andraeanum Plant to Grow?

If you suspect that your Anthurium andraeanum houseplant is dying, here are a few signs that can confirm your suspicion: 

  • Drooping plant with dark-colored roots
  • Yellowing and browning leaves
  • Browning leaf tips
  • Browning flowers

Thankfully, there are many ways you can revive your Anthurium depending on the specific problem it’s facing. 

  • Drooping plant with darkened roots: Since it happens due to overwatering, you’ll need to remove the roots, allow them to dry, and repot the plant. Reduce watering frequency and resume proper care routine.
  • Yellow or brown leaves: Add more water and provide more light after pruning any dead leaves.
  • Browning leaf tips or flowers: Improve water quality by using distilled water, check moisture levels, and offer more sunlight.