How to Grow and Care for Anthurium Magnificum Plants

Anthurium magnificum plants are one of the least known species in the Aracae family. It’s fairly difficult to find these gorgeous plants in the United States, making them desirable to collectors.

Caring for an Anthurium magnificum is easy if you grow it in the right environment. As a tropical foliage plant, you should keep it in warm temperatures, partial shade, and high humidity.

Place it beside an east-facing window, but keep it out of reach of your children. This plant contains oxalate, which is toxic to cats and dogs.

Let’s further explore how to care for the Anthurium magnificum in this article!

What Are Anthurium Magnificum Plants?

Anthurium magnificum is an herbaceous ornamental flowering plant that originated from Columbia. It’s one of the rarer and lesser-known species in the arum/aracae family.

These plants grow under cocoa and citrus trees in the Caribbean. Because of this, they do well under shade in tropical and subtropical conditions.

You can identify Anthurium magnificum plants by their ovate olive-green leaves and pale basal veins. The velvety leaves of mature anthariums grow up to 15 inches long and 10 inches wide. The plant itself has an average height of two to five feet.

Anthurium magnificum flowers comprise peduncles or stalks that are 20 inches long. The most attractive part of its inflorescence is the greenish-red spathe.

Plant enthusiasts grow Anthurium magnificum in greenhouses. They make excellent houseplants under the right conditions. However, they contain calcium oxalate crystals, making them toxic to cats and dogs.

Quick Summary of Anthurium Magnificum

Here’s a quick overview of the Anthurium magnificum.

Scientific Name

Anthurium magnificum

Common Names



Partial shade




65 – 85°F

Hardiness Zone

9 – 11 (USDA)

Soil pH


Soil Type



Spring, once every two years


Spring to summer


2 – 5 ft high, with 15 x 10-inch leaves

Bloom Time



Stem cuttings

How to Care for Anthurium Magnificum Plants

Caring for an anthurium is easy when you have the right conditions at home. You only have to provide it with partial sunlight and well-draining soil. Pay attention to the temperature, humidity, and fertilizer too, and you’re good to go!

Here are some tips for successfully growing this indoor plant.

  1. Provide Sunlight

As a houseplant, it’s important to keep the Anthurium magnificum beside an east-facing window where it can receive bright, indirect light. Remember that anthuriums in the wild grow under citrus trees, so they prefer partial shade.

If your window gets too much sunlight, it’s best to cover it with a sheer curtain. Doing this will diffuse the light and make conditions ideal for your plant.

Avoid exposing the leaves to strong sunlight as this can destroy the beautiful foliage and result in leaf burn.

On top of this, you must keep an anthurium’s light source consistent. When you constantly change its location, it’ll lessen your chance of getting flowers.

  1. Mix Soil

The Anthurium magnificum plant is an epiphytic-terrestrial. Being an epiphyte means it grows on other plants and uses them as support.

For instance, Anthurium magnificum plants can flourish on tree trunks without being parasitic. That said, since it’s a terrestrial plant, the anthurium can also grow on soil.

The ideal soil type for the Anthurium magnificum is a well-draining one that’s rich in organic matter. You can use a houseplant potting mix or a 1:1 ratio of houseplant mix and orchid media.

When possible, make sure that the soil is coarse for more air circulation. Moss, coconut husks, sand, and peat moss are helpful additions.

Moreover, you should watch out for drooping stems that can result from the loose soil. There are times when you’ll need to use stakes or trellises to support the plant.

  1. Add Water

To check if your Anthurium magnificum needs water, insert your finger into the top layer of the soil. When it feels dry to the touch, it’s time to water!

You can water your anthurium through the watering can method. Slowly pour dechlorinated water directly into the soil.

Allow the water to run from the bottom drainage holes, but never leave the plant sitting in water. You want the soil slightly moist, but don’t let it get water-logged. Anthurium roots are prone to rotting and overwatering so always empty the saucer.

The watering schedule for young Anthurium magnificum plants is about once a week. Mature anthuriums may need watering two times per week. In addition, when you’re growing this plant outdoors, you might have to water it every two to three days.

The Role of Humidity

Humidity in your area can affect how often you water anthuriums. Some areas of the house may also have higher humidity than others.

For instance, bathrooms with showers can saturate the soil with moisture. If you’re growing Anthurium magnificum plants in your bathroom, you may have to water it less.

Because of this, it’s best to check the soil before you water an anthurium!

  1. Control Temperature

Anthuriums live in tropical and subtropical conditions, meaning, the ideal temperature for them is between 65 and 85°F.

Temperatures below 60°F result in plant damage. If you expose your Anthurium magnificum to a temperature below 40°F, it’ll die. You should protect them from cold drafts by not placing them near exterior doors.

Always bring an anthurium plant indoors during the cold months and place it near heat sources. Protect the roots by mulching. Only water it when the temperature is above 40°F.

In worst-case scenarios, you may insulate anthuriums with plastic wrap or blankets.

Finally, you can create a microclimate for your Anthurium magnificum. To do this, place it close to a west-facing brick or stone wall. The wall will slowly release the heat it absorbs from the sun throughout the night.

  1. Provide Fertilizer

Anthuriums do well without fertilizer, especially at their early stages of growth.

In 2018, scientists found that foliage anthuriums, like the Anthurium magnificum, absorb the most nutrients 180 days after planting. This suggests that the best time to start fertilization is six months after germination.

However, if your anthurium needs a boost, you may feed it phosphorus liquid fertilizer once a week. The fertilizer’s high phosphorus content will encourage flowering.

How to Grow Anthurium Magnificum Plants

Growing Anthurium magnificum plants from seed isn’t practical because it has a low success rate. It can take four years for these plants to mature. However, you can try your luck when your anthurium produces berries.

First, gently remove the soft, mature berries from the spadix and squeeze the seeds out. Wipe the seeds off with a paper towel and sterilize them with 70% ethanol for 2 minutes. After this, soak the seeds in 2.6% sodium hypochlorite for 45 minutes, then rinse them with distilled water.

Once sterilized, you can germinate the seeds in a moist potting mix. Place the seedling tray in a warm room, preferably at 85°F.

When your seedlings produce leaves, you may transfer them to individual pots and grow them in an area with partial shade. Water it whenever the soil feels dry to the touch.

How to Re-Pot Anthurium Magnificum Plants

You should re-pot Anthurium magnificum plants once every two to three years. Before repotting, make sure to water the plant well a few hours prior.

Choose a pot two inches bigger than the old one, and fill it ⅓ of the way with potting mix. Gently transfer the plant and add more soil around the sides and top to pack it in.

It’s best to re-pot anthuriums from early spring to midsummer. This is when these plants are growing the fastest.

Be aware that Anthurium magnificum plants prefer being root-bound. They use their pots for support, and it’s okay if the roots look cramped. Avoid placing them in a pot that’s too big.

How to Care for Anthurium Magnificum Plants in All Seasons

Anthurium magnificum plants do well in spring and summer. Still, as tropical plants, you have to take steps to prepare them for the colder months.

To overwinter your anthurium, ensure that the anthurium’s soil isn’t overly wet. Check for insects and diseases.

Next, bring it indoors and place it beside a bright, warm window or under artificial lighting. Reduce your watering frequency and avoid fertilizing it until late winter or early spring. Doing this helps you avoid root damage.

Once the last frost of spring is over, you may acclimate the anthurium before bringing it back to its original spot.

How Do You Propagate Anthurium Magnificum Plants?

To propagate plants like the Anthurium magnificum, it’s best to use stem cuttings.

Carefully remove the plant from its pot and brush the soil away. Use sharp shears to cut a stem with two nodes, leaves, and roots. In some cases, you may have to remove leaves to expose the nodes.

Next, replant both parts of the plant in separate containers. You may use rooting hormone if necessary and keep the anthurium away from direct sunlight as it’s recovering.

Only propagate your Anthurium magnificum during spring and summer for a higher success rate.

What Family Do Anthurium Magnificum Plants Belong To?

Anthurium magnificum plants belong to the arum/aracae family native to tropical America.

Some Aracae types are popular in the floral industry, like the flamingo lily. Meanwhile, the Anthurium magnificum species is more prominent as a foilage-type plant.

This means that the Anthurium magnificum has larger, more beautiful leaves than other species in the Aracae family.

How Long Do Anthurium Magnificum Plants Live For?

Anthurium magnificum plants are slow-growing. It takes them four years to reach maturity from seedlings. Plus, they only outgrow their pot every two to three years.

Some experts say they’ve had Anthurium magnificum plants for over 20 years, and they’re still thriving. Older leaves can die off, but new ones will always grow with proper care.

What Are the Common Pest and Plant Diseases for Anthurium Magnificum Plants?

Bacterial blight is the most common disease for Anthurium magnificum plants. This happens when V-shaped lesions form on the edges of the leaves. It’s caused by Xanthomonas bacteria entering from pruning or insect cuts.

Another disease is root rot, which is caused by Rhizoctonia, Pythium, and Phytophthora. These are fungi and molds that grow on the waterlogged roots of anthuriums. They cause the plant to wilt even when there’s adequate moisture in the soil.

Finally, Black Nose Disease results in dark spots on the spadix of an anthurium’s inflorescence. The spots can grow and become watery, causing the flowers to fall off. This disease is caused by too much humidity and warmth. You’ll need fungicide to treat it.

How Can You Tell if Your Anthurium Magnificum Plant Isn’t Growing?

To check if it’s growing, look for new leaf growth along the base of your anthurium. You can tell younger leaves apart by their lighter color and less shiny surface.

If your Anthurium magnificum plant isn’t growing, you may need to observe the temperature, light, and humidity conditions. These plants have poor tolerance to fluctuations.

Note that anthuriums grow less during fall and winter as well.

Are Anthurium Magnificum Plants Poisonous?

Yes. Anthurium magnificum plants are poisonous. Anthuriums have harmful oxalate crystals in their leaves, stems, and flowers. It can irritate children and be harmful to pets.

Always pay attention to where you keep your anthurium plants. Seek medical help if you observe severe symptoms or if your pet eats this plant.

Does Anthurium Magnificum Flower?

Yes, even as a foilage type of plant, Anthurium magnificums do flower. Its inflorescence consists of a spadix, which is a stem that holds the tiny buds.

This spadix is then surrounded by a reddish-green spathe. You can identify the spathe by its leathery and shiny leaf-shaped appearance.

Anthurium plants bloom three to six times per year. The flowers last for up to six weeks at a time.

How Can You Help Anthurium Magnificum Plants Grow?

When you notice a problem with your anthurium houseplant, here’s how to care for it.

First, check the soil for moisture. If the leaves are drooping and the soil is dry, you should water the pot immediately. If it’s too wet, drain it well or repot it into dry soil.

Next, see if it’s receiving the right amount of sunlight. Anthurium magnificums thrive in partial shade so you may need to relocate it.

Finally, ensure your anthurium is in a warm and humid area of your home. The bathroom is one of the best places to grow anthuriums!