How to Grow and Care for All Types of Anthurium Plants: A Complete Guide

Anthurium is a genus under the Araceae family, also known as the Arum family. The genus has over 1,000 known species scattered across the tropical regions of Central and South America, according to the International Aroid Society.

Anthurium plants are prized for their stunning foliage and unique inflorescence. Most have large, glossy foliage and modified leaves called spathes that surround a spadix. Their flowers are often small and inconspicuous, blooming year-round. 

Plants of this genus are relatively easy to take care of. They’re often classed under low-maintenance plants, making them the top choice for beginners and busy plant parents. 

Some of the most popular Anthurium plants include Anthurium andraeanum (Flamingo Flower), Anthurium crystallinum (Crystal Anthurium), and Anthurium clarinervium (Velvet Cardboard Anthurium).

To ensure their continued growth, Anthurium plants must be placed in bright, indirect light to mimic their natural habitat. Keep their soil consistently moist but not waterlogged, and repot once every year or two. 

Fertilizer isn’t mandatory but is recommended to promote optimal growth and flowering. 

What Are Anthurium Plants?

Anthurium is the largest genus of the arum family, Araceae. Native to Certain America, northern South America, and the Caribbean, it consists of about 1,000 species of flowering plants. 

Anthurium plants are also known as Tailflowers, Laceleafs, and Flamingo Flowers. These common names not only serve as convenient identifiers but also highlight their diverse characteristics and appearances.

Tailflowers, for example, reference the long, tail-like spadix of some Anthurium species, while Laceleafs describe the delicate, lace-like appearance of Anthurium leaves. 

Flamingo flowers, on the other hand, allude to the vibrant red or pink flowers commonly seen within the genus, which resemble the feathers of flamingos. 

In addition to these common names, the Anthurium genus is also known as Painted Tongue, Heart-Shaped Flower, and Flamingo Lily, pertaining to their colorful spathe and their heart-shaped leaves. 

Plants of the Anthurium genus are characterized by their striking foliage and vibrant, long-lasting inflorescences, which consist of a colorful spathe surrounding a protruding spadix. 

Their leaves are large, glossy, and leathery, often shaped like a heart. 

Their inflorescences come in varying shapes and colors, ranging from deep reds and pinks to oranges and whites.

Anthuriums are low-maintenance and tolerant of lower light conditions, making them ideal candidates for indoor spaces. 

Quick Summary of Anthurium Plants  

Scientific Name  

Anthurium spp. 

Common Names 

Tailflowers, Laceleafs, Flamingo Flowers, Painted Tongue, Heart-Shaped Flowers, and Flamingo Lily


Bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight. Can tolerate low-light conditions, but not for extended periods. 


Keep soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. You’ll know it’s time to water when the top two inches of the soil feel dry to the touch. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot. 


Warm temperatures of 75ºF to 85ºF (24°C to 29°C) during the daytime, and 70° to 75°F (21.°C to 24°C) at night. 

Can tolerate temperatures as low as 45°F (7°C) and as high as 90°F (32°C), but prolonged exposure can stress the plant and affect its growth and flowering. 

Avoid drafts and sudden temperature changes. If outdoor temperatures dip below 45°F, bring your Anthurium inside. 

Hardiness Zone

USDA hardiness zones 10 to 12.  

Soil Ph 

Slightly acidic soil with a pH range of 5.5 to 6.5.

Soil Type 

Well-draining soil with organic matter such as peat moss, perlite, coconut fibers, or bark. 


Once every year or two or when the plant outgrows its container. Repot in a slightly larger container with fresh potting mix.


Prune dead or yellowing leaves and spent flowers with sanitized shears. Pruning can be done any time of the year.


Can grow between 12 inches to 3 feet tall, depending on the species. 

Bloom Time 

Can bloom year-round with proper care. Individual flowers last several weeks to months.


Division, stem cuttings, or air layering.

How to Care for Anthurium Plants?

Out of the 1,000+ species of Anthurium plants, 50% to 70% are cultivated as houseplants. 

Prized for their show-stopping flowers, ease of care, and minimal maintenance, they’re often the first choice for beginners and busy homeowners. 

As a large genus, Anthuriums have varied care requirements. However, a significant majority follow the same general care guidelines. 

Anthuriums thrive in warm, humid environments with bright, filtered light, just like their natural habitats. 

These plants prefer a well-draining soil mix rich in organic matter. The mix should be airy and loose to ensure proper water drainage and root growth, with a combination of peat moss, pine bark, and perlite. Ideal pH levels are between 5.5 and 6.5. 

Water every one to two weeks, when the top two inches of the soil feel dry to the touch. Don’t overwater as Anthurium species are susceptible to root rot, a disease characterized by the slow necrosis of a plant’s roots, stems, and crows.  

During the growing season in spring and summer, fertilize your houseplant with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength. Do this only once a month as excessive fertilization can result in soil damage, nutrient imbalance, and yellow spotting in leaves.  

As for general care, Anthurium plants benefit from occasional pruning and dusting to keep them looking their best. Spray them with neem oil or similar insect deterrent to control pest infestations such as aphids, spider mites, mealybugs, and other sucking insects.  

Here’s a more detailed breakdown of how to care for Anthurium houseplants: 

Provide Sunlight

Anthurium plants are native to the tropical regions of North, Central, and South America. Countries within these regions experience warm temperatures and high humidity levels, conditions conducive to the growth and development of Anthurium plants. 

To mimic the ideal conditions of their natural environment, place your Anthurium plants on an east or west-facing window with a sheer curtain where they’ll receive lots of bright, filtered light. Avoid direct sunlight, as this can scorch their leaves. 

One of the biggest selling points of Anthuriums as household plants is that they can tolerate low-light levels for a period of time. But as with most plants, prolonged exposure to low light can negatively impact their growth and overall health. 

In rooms without windows or adequate sunlight, artificial light can work as a substitute. 

LED grow lights emit wavelengths of light necessary for photosynthesis, mimicking natural sunlight. Just make sure to opt for full-spectrum LED grow lights that cover the whole range of wavelengths needed for Anthurium growth, including red, blue, and light white. 

Mix Soil

Anthuriums are susceptible to root-related diseases, including root rot, root-knot nematodes, and root aphids. 

To prevent or at least minimize the risk of these diseases, plant your Anthuriums in a well-draining soil mix rich in organic matter. The mix must contain equal parts of perlite, peat moss, and orchid bark/coarse sand. 

Perlite and coarse sand/orchid bark improve soil aeration and drainage, while peat moss retains moisture and nutrients. 

The resulting soil is loose, well-draining, and rich in organic matter, the best possible medium for Anthuriums to grow in. 

Add Water

Anthuriums aren’t too demanding with their watering requirements. They only ever need watering once every week or two, or until the top two inches of the soil is dry to the touch. 

If the soil feels dry further down the top two inches, increase your watering frequency. You’ll know your plant needs more water when it appears droopy and wilted, with its leaves browning at the tip. Never let the soil appear cracked or bone dry, as this indicates severe dehydration.

Mist every two to three days in spring and summer to maintain adequate humidity levels, especially if you live in a dry area. Don’t overdo it as overwatering can lead to a myriad of other issues, including leaf yellowing, leaf loss, and necrosis.

Control Temperature

Anthurium plants thrive best in temperatures between 70°F to 85ºF (21ºC to 29ºC), ideally 75ºF to 85ºF (24°C to 29°C) during the daytime, and 70° to 75°F (21°C to 24°C) at night. 

They also prefer high humidity of between 60% to 80% to mimic their natural tropical habitat. 

To achieve the desired humidity levels, place your Anthuriums on trays filled with pebbles and water. You can also use a room humidifier or mist the plants regularly. 

If you have more than one Anthurium, grouping them close to each other can create a microclimate with higher humidity levels.

Provide Fertilizer

Anthurium plants benefit from fertilizer during their growing season. 

Most Anthuriums do well with a balanced fertilizer with an NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) ratio of 10:10:10 for overall growth and plant health. 

If you want to promote flowering, choose a fertilizer rich in phosphorus, ideally with a ratio of 10-30-30 or 10-20-10. 

You can also use slow-release fertilizer pellets or sticks, which gradually release nutrients over time. This reduces the need for frequent reapplications. 

When fertilizing, dilute according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Be careful not to over-fertilize, as this can lead to fertilizer burn. Apply the diluted fertilizer around the base of the plant, avoiding direct contact with the foliage. 

Don’t fertilize during fall and winter as this is when Anthuriums enter dormancy. 

Dormant plants don’t absorb the nutrients from the fertilizer, leading to the accumulation of fertilizer salts. 

High salt build-up not only damages the plant’s roots but also hinders its ability to absorb water and nutrients, even when it resumes growth in spring. 

How to Grow Anthurium Plants   

Like most plants, Anthuriums can be grown from seeds, seedlings, and the division of mature plants. Each has its advantages and challenges, but the growing technique is more or less consistent across all methods. 


Start by preparing a well-draining potting mix. It should equal parts peat moss, perlite, and orchid bark, but regular store-bought orchid potting mix will do just as well. You want the soil to be slightly acidic, between 5.5 to 6.5. 

Place the soil in a clean container with drainage holes, filling it to about ⅓ to ½ full. The container should be large enough to accommodate the length of the seedling’s roots (four to six inches), with a little extra space on top. 

Once done, gently tap the container on a flat surface to settle the soil and remove any air pockets. Then, create a small indentation in the center using your finger and plant the seed/seedling. Don’t bury the seedling too deeply as this can hinder growth. 

Press the soil gently around the seedling to eliminate air pockets and provide adequate support for the plant. 


Thoroughly water the newly planted seed or seedlings, letting the excess water drain away from the bottom of the container. You want to make sure the soil is evenly moist but not waterlogged. 

Use filtered/distilled room temperature water as tap water often contains chlorine, fluoride, and other chemicals, which can affect the pH balance of the soil and potentially harm the plant’s growth.

Unlike fully grown plants, seedlings need frequent watering. Water the plant once every one to three days, depending on the temperature, humidity, and the size of the container. 

Make sure to not overwater the seedlings as excessive moisture can hinder their growth. Provide just enough water to evenly moisture the soil. 


Place the pot in a location with plenty of natural, filtered light. Avoid direct sunlight as it can scorch the delicate leaves of a growing seedling. 

If you don’t have natural sunlight, supplement with artificial grow lights. Anthurium seedlings need around 12 to 16 hours of light per day. 

Rotate the pot once every week so the growing plant gets even exposure to light on all sides. 

If the seedling appears to be leaning towards the sun or shows signs of uneven growth between rotations, increase the frequency to twice a week or more. 

Changing Pot Size

Only repot your Anthuriums when they start to outgrow their containers. This can take months if not years, depending on the plant species and pot size. 

Clay pots are a good replacement, but plastic pots can work too if they have drainage holes.

It’s important to note that some Anthurium plants experience transplant shock when disturbed or moved to a new environment. 

According to the Kentucky College of Agriculture, transplant shock is a phenomenon that temporarily disrupts a plant’s growth due to the disturbance of the root system. 

It can turn a healthy plant into a stressed and weak one, resulting in slowed growth, leaf scorch, and leaf drop among others. 

To prevent transplant shock when repotting Anthuriums, handle the roots and foliage with care. Moreover, make sure the new pot is clean and filled with fresh potting mix.  

How to Repot Anthurium Plants? 

Repotting Anthurium plants isn’t as intimidating as it may initially seem. The process is pretty straightforward and you’ll only have to do it every year or two when the plant outgrows its current pot. 

To start, gather your supplies. 

You need a new pot that’s around one to two inches larger in diameter than the current pot. 

You also need a fresh batch of well-draining potting mix, similar to the current one you’re using, as well as a pair of sterilized pruning shears.

Once you’ve gathered your equipment, here’s how to repot your Anthurium plants: 

  1. Carefully remove the Anthurium from the pot. If the plant doesn’t easily slide out, gently squeeze the sides to loosen its roots. 
  2. Inspect the root ball. If you notice dead, mushy, or brown roots, prune them off with sterilized shears. Doing so not only prevents the spread of disease but also allows the plant to focus on establishing healthy new roots in its new environment. 
  3. Add a layer of fresh potting mix to the bottom of the pot and place the Anthurium in the center. 
  4. Fill the remaining space around the root ball with fresh soil, gently pressing down to eliminate air pockets. 
  5. Thoroughly water the plant until water runs out of the drainage holes. 

And that’s it: you’ve successfully repotted your Anthurium. 

As a side note, make sure to thoroughly water your plant one to two days before repotting. Moist soil holds the root ball together, making it easier to transfer the plant without disturbing the roots. 

After transplanting, water the plant again to let the soil settle.

What Types of Anthurium Plants Are There?

According to Bionumbers, a Harvard-backed database of biological data, there are over 350,000 known plant species around the world, encompassing 80 to 90% of the global total. 

Of this, there are over 17,000 plant genera across 642 plant families. 

The genus Anthurium belongs to the Araceae family, a family of monocotyledonous flowering plants with more than 4,000 species. More than 25% of these species belong to the genus, making it the largest in the family. 

With such a vast profile, listing all known Anthurium species can be challenging. 

To keep it somewhat brief, we decided to focus on the most common ones. These species provide a good representation of the genus as a whole, showcasing its diversity in terms of leaf shapes, sizes, colors, and inflorescence. 

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Anthurium andraeanum (Flamingo Flower)
  • Anthurium crystallinum (Crystal Anthurium)
  • Anthurium clarinervium (Velvet Cardboard Anthurium)
  • Anthurium warocqueanum (Queen Anthurium)
  • Anthurium magnificum (Magnificent Anthurium)
  • Anthurium veitchii (King Anthurium)
  • Anthurium scherzerianum (Tailflower)
  • Anthurium luxurians (Luxuriant Anthurium)
  • Anthurium regale (Royal Anthurium)

Anthurium andraeanum 

  • Common name: Flamingo Flower, Flamingo Lily, Tailflower
  • Native to: Colombia and Ecuador

Anthurium andraeanum is one of the most showiest Anthuriums of the genus. 

It’s characterized by its distinctive, heart-shaped spathes, which are adorned with yellow spadices. The spathes are mostly red in color, but it isn’t uncommon to find them in shades of pink, orange, green, and even white. 

The plant’s dark green foliage, which is also heart-shaped, serves as an attractive backdrop to its vibrant flowers. The flowers last for quite a long time, two to three months on average.  

Decorative appeal aside, Anthurium andraeanum is believed to have air-purifying capabilities. It removes toxins like formaldehyde, xylene, and ammonia from indoor environments.

Anthurium crystallinum

  • Common name: Crystal Anthurium
  • Native to: Central and South America

Anthurium crystallinum, commonly known as the Crystal Anthurium, is a species of flowering plant native to the rainforests of Central and South America, specifically in Panama to Peru. 

It’s known for its striking foliage, which consists of large, heart-shaped leaves that can grow up to 90 cm (35 inches). In its natural habitat, it can reach a staggering 2 meters (6.5 feet) tall. 

Its leaves are a rich, dark green color, with prominent silvery veins running throughout the bed. These veins are what gave the plant its common name Crystal Anthurium, since the veins resemble a crystalline pattern. 

Anthurium crystallinum does flower, though it’s not the main attraction. Its flowers are small and inconspicuous, with a green spathe and a pale green spadix that appears throughout the year. 

Like most Anthuriums, Anthurium crystallinum thrives in warm, humid environments with filtered sunlight and well-draining soil. It’s low maintenance and easy to take care of, making it among the most popular houseplants in the world. 

Anthurium clarinervium

  • Common name: White-Veined Anthurium, Velvet Cardboard Anthurium
  • Native to: Southern Mexico

Native to southern Mexico, particularly the region of Chiapas and Oaxaca, this Anthurium species is prized for its dramatic foliage. 

Its large, heart-shaped leaves can grow up to 18 inches long and wide. 

The leaves have a deep, velvety, almost black-colored surface with stunning white veins that run throughout the surface, much like what you’d find in the Anthurium crystallinum. 

The main difference is that Crystallinum has brighter green leaves with a more oblong shape, while the Clarinervium boasts a darker green, more defined heart shape. 

Anthurium clarinervium is an epiphytic plant, meaning it grows on other plants for support but derives its nutrients from the air, water, and organic matter from its roots. 

To mimic its natural environment, regularly spray the plant with low-lime water or place a bowl of water near the radiator. This creates a humid environment that prevents its foliage from drying out.

Anthurium warocqueanum 

  • Common name: Queen Anthurium 
  • Native to: Colombia

Anthurium warocqueanum is a unique Anthurium species characterized by its massive leaves, often reaching over 4 to 6 feet (1 to 2 meters) in length. 

The leaves have a narrow shape, making them appear even longer. Prominent veins run across these leaves, giving them a textured and ornate appearance, earning them the “Queen” nickname. 

Like its relatives, the flowers of Anthurium warocqueanum are small and inconspicuous with a green spathe and a pale green spadix. 

This Anthurium stands out from other species in its family because of its extensive care demands. 

It needs to be kept in a consistently warm environment, ideally between 65 to 80°F (18 to 27°C). It also needs to be placed in a humid environment of between 60% to 80%, which can be difficult to maintain in most homes, especially during drier seasons. 

There’s also the fact that they’re a bit particular with their watering. Overwatering can quickly lead to root rot, while underwatering makes them appear dry and wilted. You need to strike the right balance to maintain proper moisture levels. 

Regular Anthurium plants aren’t as finicky; as long as you provide them with adequate sunlight, water, and soil, they tend to be more forgiving even if the conditions aren’t exactly right.

Anthurium magnificum

  • Common name: Painter’s Palette
  • Native to: Columbia 

Anthurium magnificum is Anthurium crystallinum if it were on steroids. It looks just like its counterpart, with velvety leaves and prominent veining, except five times as large. Its leaves can grow up to 1 to 3 feet (1 meter) in length. 

Due to its impressive size and lush foliage, Anthurium magnificum is a sought-after household plant. You won’t find it easily in nurseries and when you do, it often commands a higher price tag than regular Anthuriums. 

While the Anthurium magnificum isn’t quite as demanding as the Anthurium warocqueanum, it’s still not the easiest aroid for beginners. It enjoys moderate to high humidity levels (around 60% or more) and warm temperatures between 64 to 77ºF (18 to 25ºC). 

Its large leaves are susceptible to damage from rough handling, dust, or pests, so careful and cleaning is key to keep it looking its best year-round. 

Anthurium veitchii

  • Common name: King Anthurium 
  • Native to: Colombia 

Meet the Queen Anthurium’s counterpart, the Anthurium veitchii, AKA the King Anthurium. Like the former, the Anthurium veitchii boasts large, long leaves that can grow up to 4 to 6 feet long in ideal conditions. They’re a deep, glossy green, with a slightly pleated texture. 

The Latin epithet veitchii pays homage to a renowned group of plant nurseries based in Exeter, UK, established by horticulturist John Veitch (1752 to 1839). Aside from Anthurium veitchii, the Veitch family introduced and propagated a diverse array of plant species. Examples include Rhododendron veitchianum, Nepenthes veitchii, and Begonia veitchii. 

Once rare, Anthurium veitchii is now widely available thanks to advancements in propagation techniques and increased interest in exotic houseplants. 

 Anthurium veitchii comes in two variants: Narrow and Wide. 

The Narrow form has veins closer together, while the Wide form has them further apart. Their care requirements are exactly alike, so choosing one or the other only depends on your aesthetic preferences. 

Anthurium scherzerianum

  • Common name: Pigtail Anthurium, Pigtail Plant, Flamingo Flower 
  • Native to: Costa Rica

Anthurium scherzerianum is known for its showy red and yellow flowers that resemble a hanging tail, hence the common name Pigtail Plant. 

Its glossy, lance-shaped leaves complement the vibrant blooms, creating a striking visual display that looks great in just about any area. 

Indoors, the plant can grow to between 12 and 18 inches tall and wide, making it a great choice for those with limited space.

Anthurium scherzerianum is a low-maintenance plant with standard Anthurium care requirements. It grows best in warm, humid environments and indirect sunlight. 

It doesn’t do well in heavy soils, so make sure you use a light and airy potting mix. 

Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. 

Anthurium luxurians

  • Common name: Tulip Anthurium 
  • Native to: Colombia

Anthurium luxurians is another plant with sizable leaves, growing up to 15 to 24 inches (40 to 60 cm) wide and 25 inches (65 cm) long. 

Unlike other Anthuriums on this list with rich green leaves, the Anthurium luxurians’s leaves are a striking dark green, almost ebony. 

The leaves are deeply lobed and adorned with intricate, lacy patterns. They appear almost palm-like, making them stand out amongst other Anthurium varieties. 

Anthurium luxurians prefer bright, indirect light and moderate to high humidity. 

It’s a slow-growing plant, so if you’re looking to propagate it, patience is key. The reward of watching this stunning plant thrive is well worth the wait. 

Anthurium regale

  • Common name: Royal Anthurium 
  • Native to: Peru 

Anthurium regale is known for its large, heart-shaped leaves that can grow between 2 to 3 feet long and wide. They have a deep green, almost emerald color, with prominent veins running throughout the velvety surface. This contrast of green and white is what earned this plant the nickname “regale,” meaning royal or regal. 

In its natural habitat, Anthurium regale can easily grow up to 13 feet (4 meters) tall, making it one of the largest species in the Anthurium genus. 

Indoors, it can reach a respectable size of 3 feet (90 cm) tall. It grows in temperatures between 55°F to 80°F (13°C to 27°C). 

It can be cultivated as a houseplant or outdoors in temperate regions. 

What Are the Characteristics of Anthurium Plants? 

When categorizing plants under the Anthurium genus, botanists look for several distinct characteristics. These include: 

Heart-Shaped Leaves

One of the most distinctive features of Anthurium plants is their glossy and often leathery heart-shaped leaves. 

The shape of the leaves varies slightly among different varieties, with some exhibiting more elongated forms (such as Anthurium crystallinum), while others appear more rounded (like Anthurium andreanum).


Anthuriums produce colorful, modified leaves called spathes that surround the plant’s tiny flowers. 

These spathes come in various shades of green, red, yellow, and white. 

They also exhibit a wide range of shapes, including lanceolate, oblong, heart, or spatula. 

Tropical Origin

Anthuriums are native to the tropical regions of Central and South America. 

As such, they grow best in warm, humid temperatures and indirect sunlight. 

They also require a moderate amount of water to maintain their lush foliage and vibrant blooms.


Many Anthurium plants are epiphytes, meaning they grow on other plants for support. 

They’re not parasitic because they don’t “steal” nutrients from their host plants. Instead, they use them to hoist themselves up towards the light, giving them better access to sunlight, air circulation, and moisture. 

How to Propagate Anthurium Plants 

Two of the most popular methods of propagating Anthurium plants are via seeds and stem cuttings. Here’s a brief breakdown of how to propagate plants: 


  1. Obtain seeds from a mature Anthurium flower or from a nursery. The fresher the seeds, the better the germination rate.
  2. Clean the seeds and allow them to dry. 
  3. Plant the seeds in a moist, well-draining potting mix, scattering them evenly on the surface. 
  4. Place the pot in a warm, brightly lit spot. Keep the soil consistently moist, but not wet.  
  5. Once seedlings have developed a few sets of true leaves, carefully transplant them into individual pots with a fresh potting mix. Germination may take several weeks to months, so be patient. 

Stem Cuttings 

  1. Select a healthy stem with at least two nodes and a few leaves from the parent plant. Cut the stem just below the node with a sharp, sterilized knife or scissors. 
  2. Plant the cutting in a moist, well-draining potting mix. Make a hole in the center of the mix and insert the stem cutting, with the node facing upwards. Press the mix around the base of the cutting to stabilize its growth. 
  3. Place the pot in a warm location with bright, indirect light. Keep the potting mix lightly moist but not soggy. 
  4. Once the cutting develops a root system of around 2 to 3 inches long and new leaves, transplant it to a new pot with fresh potting mix. 

What Family Do Anthurium Plants Belong to?  

Anthurium plants belong to the Araceae family, also known as the Arum family. 

Araceae is a family of monocotyledonous flowering plants with distinctive inflorescences known as spadix. The spadix is usually surrounded by a single leaflike bract called the spathe. 

Other genera of this family include: 

  • Philodendron
  • Zantedeschia 
  • Peltandra
  • Colocasia
  • Monstera 
  • Dieffenbachia
  • Aglaonema

How Long Do Anthurium Plants Live for?  

Under the right conditions, Anthurium plants can live between 3 to 5 years and sometimes even longer, past 10 years. 

Certain Anthurium varieties are naturally longer-lived than others. Typically, larger varieties like Anthurium warocqueanum and Anthurium luxurians live longer than smaller varieties like Anthurium scherzerianum and Anthurium crystallinum. 

If you want your Anthurium to last years, make sure to give it proper sunlight, soil, and humidity levels, and repot it every 1 to 2 years with fresh, well-draining soil. 

What Are Common Pest and Plant Diseases for Anthurium Plants?  

Anthuriums are hardy plants, so they’re not in a constant battle with pests and diseases. Still, that doesn’t mean they’re completely immune to them. 

Here are some of the most common problems you’ll encounter while caring for these plants: 

  • Root rot: Fungal disease caused by overwatering or poorly draining soil, leading to wilting foliage and root decay.  
  • Anthracnose: Fungal disease that causes brown spots on leaves and flowers.
  • Bacterial blight: Bacterial infection transmitted by the pathogen Xanthomonas eaxonopodis, leading to wilting and leaf yellowing. 
  • Leaf spot: Fungal disease resulting in circular, dark spots on leaves, accompanied by yellowing. 
  • Black Nose Disease: Fungal infection caused by the fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, which attacks roots, leaves, and stems.
  • Pest infestation: Involves the presence of insects like aphids, mealy bugs, scales, spider mites, and thrips. These insects suck the sap from the plant, impairing the plant’s productivity and growth. 

How to Tell if an Anthurium Plant Is Not Growing? 

Most Anthurium plants are slow-growing, so it can be tricky to identify whether or not their growth rate is normal. Here are some signs that indicate poor or stunted growth: 

  • Yellowing or wilting leaves
  • Lack of new growth 
  • Sparse foliage 
  • Lack of blooms during growth season (spring and summer)
  • Deformed or weakened leaves
  • Drooping 
  • Slow recovery from minor damage

For more a more comprehensive guide on care and growth tips visit the how to grow plants page.

Are Anthurium Plants Poisonous?  

Yes, Anthurium plants are considered poisonous or toxic to both pets and humans. They contain insoluble calcium oxalate, which can irritate the mouth, throat, and digestive tract if ingested. These crystals are sharp and can be found in almost all parts of the plant. 

Do Anthurium Plants Bloom Flowers? 

Most Anthuriums have small and inconspicuous flowers that grow in a cluster on a spadix. They bloom multiple times throughout the year, with the most common being spring and summer. The blooming period lasts several weeks to months. 

How to Help Anthurium Plants to Grow?  

If your Anthurium displays signs of slowed or stunted growth, there are several ways to kickstart its normal development: 

  • Provide bright, filtered light: Place your Anthurium near a window where it can receive bright but filtered light. If your room doesn’t have a window or doesn’t get enough sunlight, use artificial grow lights. 
  • Keep a watering schedule: Water your Anthurium once every week or two, or until the first two inches of the soil feel dry to the touch. Overwatering can lead to root rot, while underwatering can lead to wilting and drooping. 
  • Use the right soil: All-purpose store-bought soil won’t do. You need to plant your Anthurium in a well-draining potting mix rich in organic matter, such as perlite or peat moss. The soil should have a pH level of 5.5 to 6.5.
  • Use neem oil: Regularly inspect your Anthurium for pests. If you detect any, spray the plant with a diluted solution of neem oil or similar natural insecticide.