What Are Epipremnum Plants?

What are Epipremnum plants? This is an excellent question to ask if you’re considering adding a few plants to your home or office. 

After all, there are so many varieties out there, which makes it hard to know what you’re looking at or what it’s called. Fortunately, that’s why we’re here!

In today’s guide, we’ll share what Epipremnum plants are, their history, how to care for them, and much more.

So, go get your gardening gloves and let’s get started!

Quick Summary

Epipremnum plants are a genus of tropical evergreen perennial plants that belong to the Araceae family. They’re known for their attractive foliage and their peculiar ability to climb walls and other surfaces. 

You can find this plant in offices, malls, and homes because of its attractive appearance and easy care requirements. It doesn’t require constant monitoring, and it adds a tropical vibe to any space to boost.

Most people easily confuse it with other plants in the Araceae family, like the satin pothos and the mini Monstera.

What Are Other Names?

As the name Epipremnum is essentially the name of the genus of this flowering plant, there aren’t any other names for it.

However, the different plants within this genus have other names, such as Epipremnum amplissimum, Epipremnum pinnatum, and Epipremnum aureum.

In total, there are about 43 species within the Epipremnum family, but only 15 are accepted and given scientific names.

Where Are Epipremnum Plants From?

Epipremnums are native plants to the tropical forests in China, the Himalayas, and Southeast Asia in general. You could also find them in Australia and the western Pacific.

However, if you’re looking for a particular species, you might have to research more to narrow its origin. 

Description and Characteristics

As we’ve already mentioned, Epipremnums are a beautiful and diverse family. Yet, what you know so far is hardly enough to allow you to identify one. So, let’s get into the specifics!

What Is the Physical Description of Epipremnum Plants?

Since Epipremnum plants don’t all look alike, it’s hard to describe their physical appearance clearly.

Nonetheless, there are some things that you can expect to see on an Epipremnum. For starters, most of these plants have glossy, thick leaves that shine whenever there’s light around. 

Also, though you won’t feel any residue on your hand after touching it, there’s a softness to the leaves that makes them feel almost buttery.

Most of their leaves are also variegated. This means you’ll find multiple colors within the same leaf! It could be streaked with white, cream, or even silver or splotchy with numerous shades of green and yellow.

A wild Epipremnum plant, like an Epipremnum aureum, for example, can grow up to 66 ft (20 m)! 

Yet, chances are, you’ll see this plant inside, which means it’ll be much shorter— around 6.5 Ft (2 m) if given the proper support and care.

Lastly, most Epipremnum plants have heart-shaped or elongated leaves, depending on the species.

What Are the Characteristics of Epipremnum Plants?

Certain characteristics set Epipremnum plants apart from other household plants. These include:

  1. Its Unique Foliage 

Epipremnums usually have long, elongated, or heart-shaped leaves that capture attention with their bright colors and distinctive shapes.

As we’ve mentioned, the colors and patterns vary, making the foliage unique to each plant. Also, the leaves are almost always thick and glossy green with a leathery texture.

  1. Quirky Growth Habits

An exciting thing about Epipremnums, their growth is only limited by your care and their pot! Simply put, some species only need a trellis to grow up to three feet! 

On the other hand, if you want to keep them small, you can limit them to a small pot or hang them from a basket. In either case, the plant will grow according to your care and space.

  1. It’s Evergreen

Earlier on, we explained that Epipremnum plants are evergreen, but what does that mean? Well, it means that no matter what time of the year, you’ll always find some green leaves on this plant! 

This is mainly because, unlike other plants, Epipremnums don’t shed their leaves in winter to prepare for the season. Instead, they keep their leaves throughout multiple seasons and only shed when distressed.

  1. Easy to Care For

If there’s one thing that plant enthusiasts appreciate about this plant, it’s its low-maintenance requirements. Some species, like the Epipremnum aureum, are almost neglect-proof!

You can forget about watering it until it almost dries—please avoid that, though—and it’ll still survive! 

  1. Adaptable

Another characteristic that makes these plants perfect for beginners is their adaptability to their environment. 

For instance, species such as the Epipremnum aureum can survive low-light conditions even though they’re not native to low-light areas.

You’ll only notice that some leaves might lose some of their green colors and turn white. However, they won’t die.

Moreover, Epipremnums can survive in environments with low humidity—we don’t recommend that, though, as these plants love humid areas and will thrive in them.

  1. Climbs

Last, one key feature of these plants is that their roots allow them to be excellent climbers! This means once you get them to grow in a proper space, they’ll start growing and climbing around the surfaces near them. 

Many people love this trait as it gives their home a tropical feel that not many plants can accomplish.

How Do Epipremnum Plants Look?

By combining the last two segments, you get something that looks like a tropical rainforest in your home! 

Epipremnum plants look like a jungle of green leaves and vines growing on top of each other. And depending on what species you’re looking at, the colors and shapes can differ. 

However, you can always expect an Epipremnum to have long, thick leaves that feel leathery. Some of them are also glossy, giving them a beautiful sheen in the light.

Lastly, most—if not all—Epipremnums rarely flowers indoors. So, if you see one around, there’s a chance it’s not an actual Epipremnum.

Popular Epipremnums

When it comes to Epipremnum plants, there are many different varieties! Some of the most popular ones include the following:

  1. Golden Pothos

Also known as the devil’s ivy or hunter’s robe, the golden pothos is probably the most popular Epipremnum plant today. 

They’re known for their heart-shaped leaves and beautiful variegated patterns. Golden pothos has vibrant, glossy green leaves with yellowish streaks that almost look like brush strokes.

  1. Marble Queen Pothos

Another popular Epipremnum is the marble queen pothos. This plant resembles the golden pothos, except its variegated leaves lean more toward white than gold.

It also has a relatively slow growth rate, making it easy to care for.

  1. Neon Pothos

Unlike the previous two options, neon pothos plants don’t have any patterns on the leaves. Instead, they have bright neon green leaves that stand out from other pothos plants.

Plus, the solid color allows the heart-shaped leaves to be easily seen and appreciated. Lastly, As the plant ages, the foliage tends to get darker, which creates a nice contrast with younger leaves.


Now that we’ve discussed the most popular Epipremnum plants, let’s examine this genus’s history.

What Is the History and Uses of Epipremnum?

The history of  Epipremnum plants is a wild and confusing one. You see, Epipremnums, commonly called pothos, have undergone many name changes and classifications since they entered the scientific community. 

This is because the genus’ similarities made people think they were the same species. 

However, as time passed, we discovered that what was once a single species was actually a group of related plants.

In 1880, scientists named this plant the pothos aureus and, a few years later, moved it to the genus Scindapsus. 

Of course, this didn’t last very long because it was soon discovered that the pothos wasn’t related to the true Scindapsus. Instead, this plant was a variety of Epipremnums.

Unfortunately for this little genus, the confusion continued for a few years, and many species were mixed up. 

Today, though, Epipremnums have been sorted out, and the species are all separated.

Hence, we’ve been able to use some of these species to our advantage. For instance, traditional medicine uses Epipremnum pinnatum to help with rheumatism, dysentery, and fractures.

Other pothos, like the Epipremnum aureum, can purify the air in its surrounding environment from toluene, benzene, and formaldehyde. 

This, coupled with the fact that pothos can increase humidity in a room, can help relieve the discomfort and symptoms of allergies.

What Are Epipremnums Cultivated For?

People primarily cultivate Epipremnums for ornamental purposes because of their unique foliage and easy-to-care-for nature. 

They’re a popular choice for beginners and people who simply want a houseplant that doesn’t require much effort.

Moreover, some Epipremnums are cultivated for their medicinal properties, such as Epipremnum pinnatum, which can help with various ailments such as skin diseases, rheumatism, and dysentery.

Other Epipremnums, like the golden pothos, are used for their phytoremediation abilities which help clean their surrounding environment from pollutants like formaldehyde and benzene.

What Do People Associate Epipremnum To?

In general, people associate Epipremnums—especially Epipremnum aureum— with a variety of things. Here are the most common ones:

  1. Luck and Fortune

The most famous association people have for Epipremnums is luck and financial gain. It’s said that having golden pothos in your home can help you achieve more in life and attract good fortune.

  1. Healing

Another association with Epipremnum is that it removes dark energy from the unused parts of your home. This is why it’s often used in feng shui.

  1. Perseverance

Lastly, because most Epipremnums are low-maintenance and can survive long periods of neglect, they’ve been used to symbolize perseverance.

This could also be because most of these plants can survive in low-light environments, unlike others.

What Are Common Types of Epipremnum Plants?

We’ve already mentioned three popular Epipremnum: the golden pothos, the marble queen, and the neon pothos.

However, there are many other common species you can choose from, including the following:

  1.  Manjula Pothos

The manjula pothos is much like the marble queen pothos regarding the beautiful coloration. However, its leaves are much rounder, making the pothos look more delicate.

  1. Global Green Pothos

The global green pothos was once a rare Epipremnum species. Nonetheless, the plant has become more popular because of its lush foliage and deep green shades.

  1. Glacier Pothos

This plant is a bit of a mystery as its origins are unknown. However, we know it’s a great choice if you want to add a splash of color to any room! The glacier pothos has a beautiful white, gray, and green coloration, giving it a unique look.

Before You Go: Final Tips to Help Grow Epipremnum Plants

While Epipremnums are generally easy to care for, there are some things that you should keep in mind to help your plant thrive:

  • Water your Epipremnums once every one or two weeks or as soon as the soil dries out
  • Use fertilizers every two months at least to promote healthy foliage growth 
  • Keep your Epipremnums in bright but indirect sunlight—direct light can scorch their leaves!
  • Add a humidifier next to your Epipremnums to make them happy!


Now that you know almost everything there is to know about Epipremnum plants, let’s take a look at some of the most frequently asked questions:

How to Care For Epipremnum Plants?

Taking care of your Epipremnums is relatively straightforward. All you have to do is follow this list:

  • Water your Epipremnums when the soil feels dry to the touch
  • Place them in a location that provides bright, indirect sunlight
  • Keep the room temperature around 68° F to 80° F
  • Add a small humidifier to get the humidity level up to 70%— the pothos preferred level
  • Prune your plant as soon as you spot any dead or dying leaves

Do Epipremnum Plants Flower?

In the wild, you might encounter a flowering Epipremnum or two. However, indoors, they rarely flower.

How Long Do Epipremnum Plants Live For?

Epipremnums are perennials, which means that they live for several years. Generally, they could last for almost ten years.

What Soil Should I Use?

Epipremnums do well in well-draining soils. For example, you could use a soil mix made of peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite.

Can I Use Fertilizer?

You can use fertilizers to help your Epipremnums grow faster and stronger. However, you’ll need to study your plant first, determine the species, and then look for the best fertilizer type.

How Much Sun Do Epipremnum Plants Need?

Almost all Epipremnums do well in bright, indirect sunlight. However, they can survive in low-light conditions and even under fluorescent lights.

Are Epipremnum Plants Toxic to Dogs?

Epipremnum plants are toxic to dogs, cats, and humans. In fact, it’s best if you keep this plant out of reach of your pets and children.

Final Words

So, what are Epipremnum plants? To give you a quick recap, these beautiful plants are perennial evergreens that have some of the most beautiful foliage you’ll ever see.

Some have golden strokes, while others have wide white and silver splotches on their leaves. What’s more, most Epipremnums have unique heart-shaped leaves. 

We use some species for medicinal purposes, while others are prized for their beauty. 

In the end, these plants are definitely worth getting if you’re thinking about adding some color to your home.