Biophytum sensitivum

Little trees (Biophytum sensitivum): What Makes it So Interesting and Unique?

What is Little trees (Biophytum sensitivum)?

Little trees (Biophytum sensitivum) is a small understory plant, which grows along the forest floor.

This perennial herbaceous species of tropical origin has its natural habitat in Central and South America. It belongs to the borage family of Boraginaceae, but you can easily distinguish it from other members due to its uniquely shaped leaf nodes.

In addition to being an attractive ornamental garden plant, it’s also been found to have many medicinal properties. As you will see from reading this article, Little trees (Biophytum sensitivum) are very interesting and unique.

Appearance and characteristics

Though similar in appearance to some other plants, this plant is characterized by its uniquely shaped nodes. The leaf of the little trees has a round shape with a heart-shaped base and cordate apex that are covered with silver hairs, which give it an amazing silvery gleam.

Its flowers have four petals each, but their color varies from light pink to purple, depending on the variety.

If your looking for another sweetheart plant, then have a look at the lovely String of Hearts.

Quick summary

Botanical Plant Name: Biophytum sensitivum

Native to: Central and South America

Care: Requires medium to high light and tolerates lower temperatures well.

Size: Not more than 12 inches tall

Common problems: Tends to attract spider mites, root rot, heart rot, red leaf-spot, southern & blight botrytis

Toxicity: Generally considered poisonous to humans and pets.

How to care for Little trees (Biophytum sensitivum)

Once you plant Little trees (Biophytum sensitivum)  you need to know how this kind of plant needs to be taken care of. So let’s take a look at some easy steps that will help you with this process.


Place in a bright location, but not direct sunlight. If the plant is too hot, it will begin to die.

Little tree not the ideal plant for you, then check out the leafy Calathea Rufibarba from South America.


Water sparingly and only when needed during spring/summer months; do not let the soil dry out completely between watering. During fall/winter months, water once weekly or less often if leaves are browning.

Humidity & Temperature

If the plant is given too much humidity (i.e., bathroom location), it will begin to die, so keep away from showers/baths and windowsills where water may collect or drip down into pots. Allow soil to dry out before watering again; during fall/winter months, allow the soil to dry out more often.


To clean, gently wipe leaves and dust off with a soft cloth or use a spray bottle to mist the plant; do not submerge in water as it will cause rot/disease.

Fertilizing & Soil

Fertilize once every two months during spring/summer months and once a month during fall/winter months. Use fertilizer specifically designed for cacti or succulents, such as a 20-20-20 NPK ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, respectively.


Repot in early spring before new growth appears or when the plant becomes root bound; repot using the same soil that came with the plant or uses a succulent potting mix.

If your looking for a plant that does not require repotting often then you might think about Maranta Leuconeura.

How and when to prune Little trees (Biophytum sensitivum)

If you want to grow this plant indoors, here are some tips on how and when to prune Little trees (Biophytum sensitivum).

  • Little trees (Biophytum sensitivum) is a plant whose foliage is often used in flower arrangements. It can be pruned when it has grown to about four inches tall and has reached a minimum of four leaves.
  • The best time to prune is during spring when the plant has begun to grow again after its winter dormancy period.
  • The plant’s stem should be cut about an inch above its base, making sure the cut is clean. You should prune the plant back to make it more compact and not longer than four inches for aesthetic purposes.
  • When to prune Little trees (Biophytum sensitivum) will depend on the area where it is grown and its growth pattern. Some plants may need to be pruned in the summer when they grow rapidly, while it might not be necessary for others that grow very slowly.

Problems with Little trees (Biophytum sensitivum)

  • Little trees (Biophytum sensitivum) requires a lot of moisture and will rot if the roots are not moist.
  • They are very sensitive to drought conditions. Even a couple of days without water will cause the leaves to curl up and dry out.
  • Little trees (Biophytum sensitivum) is susceptible to root rot and leaf spot in the garden.

How to propagate Little trees (Biophytum sensitivum)

Interestingly, this plant can be easily propagated and cultivated by simply planting its seeds on moist soil and covering it with some substrate, such as sand or peat. It generally takes about one month for Little trees (Biophytum sensitivum) to germinate.

Common FAQs

How much light does Little trees (Biophytum sensitivum) need?

Little trees (Biophytum sensitivum) needs to receive bright light, but not direct sunlight through the window.

What is so special about Little trees (Biophytum sensitivum)?

This plant is very easy to grow, even if not have green fingers. You can find it in most greenhouses or garden centers, so it’s not difficult to buy.

Are Little trees (Biophytum sensitivum) good indoor plants?

Yes, it can be grown outdoors in the temperate regions of northern Europe, but it is also very suitable as a houseplant.

Can Little trees (Biophytum sensitivum) grow in low light?

The answer depends on what you mean by “low light.” If it is a place with very little sunlight, then no. Little trees (Biophytum sensitivum) is native to the tropics in Africa, so it does not like direct sunlight.

This will do well in indirect sunlight. However, if you are referring to a place with very little light of any type (in the shady corner of your room, for example), then yes, it will grow. It does not like strong sun exposure, though, and long periods of direct sunlight can burn its leaves if it is also humid.


Biophytum sensitivum is a plant that’s been around for centuries. It has many uses and benefits to offer today’s society, from its use as herbal medicine or additive in cosmetics to its potential role as a biofuel source. The little tree may not be the most common plant you see on your walk through the woods. Still, it certainly deserves consideration given all of its benefits – especially considering how important trees are to our environment.