collection of lilies

Pruning Lilies

Lilies are beautiful and fragrant flowering plants. They’re commonly grown in gardens and as indoor plants. While they don’t require extensive maintenance, pruning is an essential aspect of lily care.

Pruning helps maintain your lily and encourages the growth of new blooms. 

In this article, we’ll explore the various aspects of pruning lilies, including why you need to prune them and how to cut them back.

Pruning and Trimming: The Difference

Pruning and trimming lilies are two different techniques used to maintain and care for the plant.

Pruning involves removing entire branches or stems from the plant to control its size or shape. In lilies, pruning may involve cutting back the stem after the flowers finish blooming or cutting back damaged or diseased branches to promote new growth.

On the other hand, trimming is used to shape and tidy up the plant’s appearance by removing small sections. Trimming may include removing spent flowers, yellowing leaves, or cutting the tips of stems to encourage branching.

Do Lilies Need Pruning?

Yes, lilies require pruning to maintain their health and encourage new growth. Pruning helps remove any dead or damaged parts of the plant, which can attract pests and diseases.

It also helps stimulate the growth of new blooms and keeps the plant looking tidy.

How to Prune Lilies?

Pruning lilies is a straightforward process that you can do using a few simple tools. Here are the steps to follow:

Wait Until The Blooms Have Faded

It’s essential to wait until the blooms have faded and the petals have fallen off before trimming the plant. This allows the plant to redirect its energy toward new growth.

Identify The Stems to be Trimmed

Look for stems that have finished blooming or those that are dead or damaged. These are the stems that need to be taken care of and trimmed.

Cut The Stem

Grab a pair of pruning shears, and cut the stem about an inch above the soil level. Make sure to cut at an angle to prevent water from accumulating on the cut surface, which can lead to rot.

Dispose of The Trimmed Stems

Collect the trimmed stems and dispose of them in the compost bin.


Can I Prune my Lilies in The Spring?

No, it’s not advised to prune lilies in the spring, as this can damage emerging growth.

Doing so may hinder the plant’s flowering during the current growing season, and you may have to wait until the following year to see blooms.

Can I use regular scissors to prune my lilies?

No, you shouldn’t use regular scissors to prune lilies. Scissors aren’t suitable for the task because they have straight blades that crush and tear plant tissue instead of making clean cuts.

Instead, use pruning shears as they provide a smoother cut. This will lead to faster healing and reduces disease and infection risks.


Pruning lilies is an essential step in their care routine. It helps maintain their health and appearance.

It’s important to wait until the proper pruning time and use the proper tools for the job.